Fotograf Martin Michael Nilsson
Artist of the month: Roger Nilsson read more >

"Love is diverse - color the universe"
aRt&fashion 25 augusti 2019
Venicie Beach Music Festival, Californien, LA
Love is diverse - color the universe

Art & Fashion Project was started in 2013 by Rebecca Salomonsson founder of ArtQueen.
ArtQueen (AQ) has for 10 years worked with art and art exhibitions both in Sweden and abroad.
The aim then and now is to bring art in a different way. Cultural aRt Town Kristianstad went into the project as a partner in 2014, to further develop the association and the culture around us.
"Something old, something new, I'm lost in space with you" is the name of the new project with the new art & fashion show.
The actual show name is named "Love is Diverse - Color The Universe" and will be shown in 2019/2020. Premiere at home in Kristianstad Easter 20/4 2019 at 15:00 in Tivoliparken.
ArtQueen want to convey an art show that will be spectacular in their preparation and to the strains of "recycled music" .
Projektet want with this aspect put our footprint on the common man looks at the pollution and how we can contribute to a better planet. We use materials that are usually thrown away after use, we show on our way up the man of imagination, commitment and creativity spreads knowledge of not as much disposable consume.
We want to leave our footprint on the earth.
ArtQueen proudly presents this year's cruel artists, stylists, photographers, model.
Alicia Persson
Chris Robertson
Marianne Andersson
Bitte Wirestrand Sjöström
Stina Larsson
Karin Håkansson
Eva Sigvardsson
Helena Johansson Palmqvist
Elin Lindström
Leila Hessami
Micke Brenk
Tomas Axelsson
David Andrè
Mia Hultèn
Ulf Svensson
Rebecca Salomonsson
Elin Oinonen
Urban Burström
Jennie Järletoft
Mattz Lindberg
Anna Håkanssson
Patrik Påhlman
Lise Andersson
Moa Tillgren Stjernberg
Thea Lindgren
Fredrik Melin

Visit ArtQueen in its magical and beautiful aRt castle
Just a stone's throw from the town, you have the north of Åsum and the old Wendes A3 military area, which was transformed 3 years ago from an old tired building to a castle without it. When you come here we promise you to be enchanted by all the beautiful art that meets you immediately when you arrive for an unforgettable and memorable adventure.
A jungle of art presented from all over the world's corners and where each room is unique in itself, with art of paintings, furniture, crafts, ceramics, jewelry, etc.
For booking personal information contact ArtQueen: or 0768/964010
Open times: Monday through Friday 10:00 to 18:00
Warm welcome!
Love is aRt - Color your heart<3<3<3
ArtQueen/By Rebecca!

Latest news

aRt & fashion
" Go wild´n crazy"
Tim Anderssons Minnesfond

Tim Andersson's Memorial Fund
Great planet of apparel art 2016-2018

Art Tent 24-25 maj 2019
Thank you very much to everyone who participated in the Culture Night with the ArtQueen in 2018 <3

Venice Beach Music Festival
aRt & Fashion show back in Los Angeles for the Venice Beach Music Festival Saturday, August 25, 2018

aRt town live radio!
Every Friday from 8 pm to 10 pm we broadcast live radio via fb live from various companies and places, and guests who visit us during the program. This has proved to be a success as we travel around and show off as well as interviewers, all sorts of nice and creative people in their different activities.
Last Friday of every month we send live from our lovely aRt castle on the A3 Wendes in northern hill Kristianstad.
If you want us to visit you then send an email to ArtQueen: and we will contact you shortly.

ArtQueen aRt & fashion till Berlin och "Karnevalen der Kulturen"
For 4 days in May, the annual "Carnival of Culture" takes place in Berlin, and for the first time, ArtQueen and the whole crew of models will attend and join the street parade taking place on Sunday May 20th.
Large pieces of the entire collection from the Great Planet of apparel art will be displayed, as well as the show will be 10 minutes to be performed by 5 models in "Die Grune Park" on Saturday.
We will also compete in a 90 second show case where you can win 100 euros for best outfit, best performance and best idea. Will be a wonderful trip with lots of art, music, performance, etc. for 3 days in Berlin.
Feel free to follow pictures and info on Fb and Instagram in our adventure during a giant carnival.
Also, check out
Love is art - Color your Berlin heart

ArtQueen Showcase pictures
aRt & Models from our show "Great Planet of apparel art". Pictures from our showcase for RAW artists at Bel Air in Hollywood on November 16, 2017. Photographer Peter E. Reiche / Berlin

Swedish performance troupe ArtQueen returns to Venice Beach Music Fest with a fashion show of recycled materials, accompanied by a live band performance.
Great Planet of Apparel Art is a show that consists of 15 artists, 14 models and 5 musicians, all working together to create a nontraditional fashion show that not only entertains but awakens in the audience an awareness of art as a catalyst.
The show’s mission is to show the cycle of Earth’s destruction and reconstruction through art and love.
Their manifesto: “Earth shrivels and is burned out by cold hearts…Love gives power and the planet heals…Man gives a promise of love to the universe.”
A music and art event not to be missed!

Thank you to all the donors for the year 2019!

A fund in memory of Tim Andersson was instituted to honor the memory of Tim also highlighting and providing financial support to people who are actively working in Tim's spirit. Learn how you can apply from Tim Andersson's Memorial Fund:
Do you want to donate money to the fund's memory?
The amount you want to donate deposited into:
BG No.: 113-8494, labeled with your name and address.
2018 schoolarship
Hanna Lindell

Fotograf Igor Vitomirov
Thanks to!
Foundation Tim Andersson's Memorial Fund would like to thank the generous donors during the year helped to facilitate the distribution of this year's scholarship.
This year's winner in 2019 is:
Emilia Lundberg

Click on the image to see it enlarged.
The artist Mimmi Ström donated a painting.

The year 2016 bodypainting
with ArtQueen & Brownbetty of Sweden.
BodypaintingArtist Marianne Andersson, Hair & Make-up Shwsha Taha, Photographer Jane Svensson

New aRt & fashion show 2019
ArtQueen will start a new project with art & fashion in September, and the projects name is: Something old, Something new, Im lost in space with you.
Name of the show: Love is diverse - Color The Universe
More info about the new project will be presented on the website in a short time.

Fotograf Martin Michael Nilsson
Book your next art exhibition at ArtQueen under "exhibition places"
Here you will see several great exhibitions around Skåne, Halland and Blekinge, where your art becomes available and exposed to thousands of visitors each month.
Book the aRt & Fashion show
Book our unparalleled art & fashion show for your corporate event, or our show case with mingel. For more information and price information contact Rebecca at ArtQueen:

"Great Planet of apparel art" 2018
Look out for new updates about the show "Love is diverse - Color the Universe" "and where the adventures go in 2019. Do you want an" ice breaker "for your event at the company or your private party?
We also offer mingling events or our show case with music. For further information, please contact ArtQueen at 0768/964010 or email to
Do you want to see more of our species fashion show
Go wild'n crazy", click on the movies
aRt&fashion trailer 2014
aRt&fashion Harley days in Hamburg 2015
aRt&fashion musicvideo feat BlackDiamond
ArtQueen & Black Diamond - LIVEACT - Harley Days Hamburg 2015
Matthias Brix
"Go Wild n Crazy" i USA 2015
ArtQueen and the rock band Black Diamond participated in the 10th years of the festival in Los Angeles, the "Venice Beach Music Fest".
A spectacular and colorful show which represents seamstresses and artists' joint work developed during the autumn / winter 2014 and 2015 where different techniques and styles come together .
14 models, 14 artists and 7 seamstresses will give you an experience that is greater than you could ever expect,
Love is art - color your heart <3 <3 <3

Biggest thank you!
To all artists, visitors, photographers, artillery museums and the entire crew in aRt & Fashion, for two amazing days of cultural night in Kristianstad 2017.
Beautiful paintings created live in front of the visitors, music, new exciting meetings and a lot of beautiful and happy art inside our amazing aRt tent.
Many thanks to our talented artists & florists who participated in the charitable collection for my son Tim and his memorial fund
It was created free of a secret art box and contributed to getting 1,700 sek in just a couple of hours, so a fantastic effort, and everything goes short to the memory fund for young people between 13 and 23 years old.
ArtQueen aRt & Fashion became an unforgettable show where we invited the audience to a spectacular and exciting music and art show, to the experience of rock songs from the early 70s to 90s.
For a different event, book our aRt & fashion show and contact ArtQueen at:
Love is art - Color your heart <3 <3 <3

ArtQueen Show case i Hollywood!
This summer on August 23th, the entire art & fashion crew will be performing, for the second time for RAW artists in Hollywood. A magical and amazing event that took place in a fashionable club on Sunset Boulevard.
A big press broadcast from Los Angeles that was in place and with a great interest in the arts, music and entertainment, which all the performers performed during the evening. An honor for the ArtQueen and the whole crew to be re-invited by RAW artists, an organization that has been in existence for several years, and which helps young and new artists to appear in the show world RAW artists collaborate with many different organizers throughout the United States, and one occasion is given the opportunity to perform in Hollywood.
Then you can book yourself where you want to perform outside of Los Angeles. In 2019,
ArtQueen and the whole crew aim at Miami first and second hand in New Orleans so who knows where the trip is going next year :) Love is art - Color your heart <3